Web Page

Web desing & functionallity

For Emprende Crea Digital i create a responsive web page using boostrap and some coding from scratch, changing the navegation bar for other style and fixing the small errors like padding and sensibility of the menu, CTO of all the web desing and functionallity

Blackjack Game Javascript

blackjack Game

I create a simple game of Blackjack using Html, Cssfor the style & JavaScript for the logic, you can get the code in my github profile.


Web Page & E-comerce

For my client i create a responsive web page using Elementor builder from wordpress & some coding, fixing small bugs and encharge of administration & maintaince of the E-comerce & the web in general.

Project information

  • Category: Web design
  • Client: ASU Company
  • Project date: 01 March, 2020
  • Project URL: www.example.com

This is an example of portfolio detail

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